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Friday, October 03, 2014

I shall not Give up, my Problem must Give up

Scripture: Luke 8:43 - 48

According to what happened in the above scripture, the woman that has been sick for 12 consecutive years with the issue of blood, she pressed forward in the crowd to get her healing with faith in her heart and she got it. Before then things were really rough for her. So many physicians have tried their best possible just to make sure she regain herself all to no avail. No matter what you are going through, God has the ability to change your story and rewrite your history.

Prayer Points
1.     Lord I praise your name for enabling me to dwell in safety.
2.     I shall not give up, my problem must give up.
3.     Prolonged problem hiding in my life, expire now in the name of Jesus.
4.     Spirit of suicide, disappear from my life now in the name of Jesus.
5.     My Rock of Ages; fight my battles in the name of Jesus.
6.     You spirit of giving up, I reject you today in the name of Jesus.
7.     Evil voices, telling me it is over I cast you out now in Jesus name.
8.     Evil counselor advising me to give up my life, separate from me now in the name of Jesus.
9.     Ancient gates of darkness let me go now in the mighty name of Jesus.
10.   Oh God! Change my story today by your mercies in Jesus name.
11.   My father my father, take me from where I am now to where I suppose to be in the name of Jesus.
12.   Disappointment spirit fired into my life backfire now in the name of Jesus.
13.   Oh Lord, manifest your purpose in my life at your own time in the name of Jesus.
14.    You spirit of rejection I command you now to expire in the name of Jesus.
15.   Satanic terrorist attacking my life receive judgment of death in the name of Jesus.
16.   Oh Lord be thou glorify concerning what you have started doing in my life.

17.   Satanic pressure, disappear from me now in the name of Jesus. 

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