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Saturday, May 09, 2015

My Husband, Come Back Home

So many marriages are experiencing shakings because strange women are out there seeking to destroy marriages. In some cases a man will leave his home and go to a strange woman’s house and live there, not minding what will be the outcome of his nefarious behavior. But I pray for whoever is experiencing this, you are coming out today in the name of Jesus.
These prayers points are for married women who have been in pains because of strange women that are after their husband. If you are legally married to your husband and you pray in faith, your husband shall be released from that bondage and also make sure you are born again for request to be answered.
You must fast and pray for at least 3 days. Make sure you share your testimony by sending it to me via e-mail.
Scripture: Matthew 19:5-6 1 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 2 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (KJV).

Hot Prayer points

1.      Oh God my father, I thank you because I know my husband is coming back home soonest in the name of Jesus.
2.      Anything in my life that is scaring my husband away from home, disappear by fire in the name of Jesus.
3.      Spirit husband assigned to trouble my husband, disappear by fire by thunder in the name of Jesus.
4.      Strange woman, leave my husband alone now in the name of Jesus.
5.      Powers that wants to exchange my life original husband scatter in the name of Jesus
6.      Any incantation working against my lovely husband, break loose now in the name of Jesus
7.      Oh God arise, release my husband from the cage of strange woman in the name of Jesus
8.      Sudden hatred, separate my husband and the strange woman in the name of Jesus.
9.      My husband, hear the word of the Lord, you shall love me more than before in the name of Jesus.
10. Oh God my father cause earthquake to any prison holding my husband in the name of Jesus.
11. Angels of the Living God, pursue any strange woman that wants to hijack my husband in the name of Jesus.
12. Negative prophecies working against my husband expire now, in the name of Jesus.
13. Any evil tree holding my husband in bondage, scatter by thunder in the name of Jesus.
14. Evil strange spirit that is using my husband to work against me disappear in the name of Jesus.
15. I shall be attracted to my husband alone, in the name of Jesus
16. There shall be no manhood erection in the presence of the strange woman, in my presence oh Lord erection shall manifest in the name of Jesus
17. Oh God my father, change my physical appearance that will attract my husband in the name of Jesus.
18. Oh God, touch the heart of my husband to come back home in the name of Jesus.
19. Foundational powers, dragging my husband from me, scatter now in the name of Jesus
20. Marine woman, set my husband free from your prison in the name of Jesus
21. Like father like son polygamous spirit, release my husband now in the name of Jesus.
22. Incantation and enchantment working against my husband, let him go now in the name of Jesus
23. Wherever my husband may be, I soak him with the blood of Jesus.
24. My husband shall not die but shall live to declare the works of the Lord.
25. Oh my husband, you shall prosper with the works of your hands in the name of Jesus.

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