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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Overcoming Satanic Strategies with the Blood of the Lamb

Text: Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Prayer points

1.           Blood of Jesus deliver me by fire in the Name of Jesus.
2.           My destiny, hear the word of the Lord by the power in the blood of Jesus come out from your hiding place.
3.           Blood of Jesus fight and deliver me from any affliction programmed to waste my life, in Jesus name.
4.           I overcome any satanic strategies set in place to demote my joy, in Jesus’ name.
5.           Blood of Jesus go into the camp of my enemies and destroy them.
6.           Any stubborn problem in my life, die by the blood of Jesus
7.           Any wicked personality fighting my marriage, die by the blood of Jesus.
8.           Oh God arise and use the blood of Jesus to set me from satanic cauldron.
9.           Mark of the blood of Jesus come upon my forehead, in Jesus’ name.
10.      I plead the blood of Jesus for protection in my household.
11.      By the power in the blood of Jesus, owner of evil loads come and carry your load, in Jesus’ name.
12.      Battle against my destiny manifestation, cease in the name of Jesus.
13.      Blood of Jesus, pursue poverty out of my life, in Jesus’ name.
14.      Any power diverting the blessings of God away from me, your time is up, die now, in the Name of Jesus.

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