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Monday, August 21, 2017

Prayer Topic: Revive this Land Oh Lord

Text: (Psalm 122:6-9)
1.     Oh God, have mercy on this nation, and manifest your glory in Jesus name.
2.     Agenda of God, manifest speedily in this nation, in the name of Jesus.
3.     Satanic elders in high places, working against the progress of this nation, receive total confusion and be disgraced, in Jesus name.
4.     Gospel of Jesus Christ, overshadow this nation, in Jesus name.
5.     Spirit of poverty, vanish from this land, in Jesus name.
6.     You this nation, receive the mercy of God and be saved from destruction, in Jesus name.
7.     Healing power of the Most High God begin to operate in this land, in Jesus name.
8.     By the power in the blood of Jesus, let all ungodliness, Idolatry and sins cease in this land, in Jesus name.
9.     Oh God my father, lay your hands of revival fire upon all leaders in this land, in Jesus name.
10. Anti-gospel forces be frustrated out of this land, in Jesus name.
11. Let the prince of peace reign in every department of this land, in Jesus name.
12. Spirit of divine understanding and wisdom, overshadow our leaders, in Jesus name.
13. Spirit of revival, envelop Nigeria, In Jesus Name.
14. Any satanic throne in this country, be dethroned by the power of God, in Jesus name.
15. Satanic arrangements to manipulate the glory of Nigeria, fail woefully, in Jesus name.
16.  Any Satanic covenant made on behalf of this country by anyone, be nullified, in Jesus name.
17. Satanic churches in this land, receive total correction, in Jesus name.
18. Spirit of borrowing, run out of this country, in Jesus name.
19. Any satanic personality sponsoring terrorism in this country, disgraced openly, IJN.
20. You blood sucking demon in this nation, be incapacitated, in Jesus name.
21. Silent sponsors of evil vices in this land, be silenced permanently, in the name of Jesus.
22. Revive this country oh lord and let peace reign, in the name of Jesus.
23. Spirit of peace and harmony visit America and North Korea, in the name of Jesus.
24. Oh God arise, shake the heavens and earth of this country and reposition it for uncommon success, in the name of Jesus.
25. Let all un-evangelized areas of this country and the world at large be reached with the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.
26. External evil authority working against the peace and progress of Nigeria, scatter beyond redemption, in the name of Jesus.
27. Nigeria, you will not fail or die, in Jesus name. 

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