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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My Promotion Cannot be Delayed

Text:  Psalm 75:6-7
6For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
7But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Prayer Points
       1.        Father I thank you for helping me this far, be thou glorified, in Jesus name.(to be prayed for 2 minutes)
       2.        My expected promotions, gather yourselves together, run into my life, in Jesus name. (5 minutes)
       3.        Any Satanic decree working against my promotion, backfire now, in Jesus name. (3 minutes)
       4.        Holy Ghost fire, run through my foundation and flush out negative plantation, in Jesus name. (5 Minutes)
       5.        Workers of iniquities that have ganged up to make sure I am not promoted, receive open disgrace, in Jesus name. (3 minutes)
       6.        Evil stranger diverting my helpers, receive the arrow of God and disappear, in Jesus name. (4 minutes)
       7.        I receive the anointing to mount up with wings as eagle, in Jesus name.
(3 minutes)
       8.        Oh God arise, move me from minimum to maximum, in Jesus name.
(2 minutes)
       9.        Any evil dream cancelling my promotion, be cancelled by fire, in Jesus name. (3 minutes)
   10.        Father, I thank you for answering my prayers, in Jesus name. (1 minute)

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